Support for kids and adults who process the world differently

Offering Nervous System and Developmental Support, including:

The Safe and Sound Protocol

Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a research-backed, non-invasive auditory intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and emotional resilience. By using specially filtered music, SSP gently exercises the ear and the brain to introduce a sense of safety—a key to achieving balance and calm in your daily life.

Equine-Facilitated Learning

Equine-facilitated learning (EFL) is one of many interventions under the broad and increasingly-popular umbrella of equine-assisted activities. People have been drawn to horses for centuries, and science is slowly uncovering many benefits (to wellbeing, learning, and mental health) of partnering with horses. EFL, specifically, is an approach to learning that involves working individually or in a group together with one or more horses to have meaningful embodied learning experiences. Sessions are often unmounted and involve opportunities for participants to move at their own pace, face fears, be present in their bodies, and take away lessons that apply to their day to day lives. Some common themes that emerge in sessions are regulating emotions, understanding and establishing boundaries, and communicating wants and needs. EFL groups can also be a fun way to make friends, with horses and people!

PEERS® Social Skills for Adolescents Program

The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®) is world-renowned for providing evidence-based social skills programs to preschoolers, adolescents, and young adults who are interested in developing and maintaining close friendships and/or romantic relationships.

First developed at UCLA by PEERS® Clinic director, Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson, the program has expanded to locations across the United States, has been translated into over a dozen languages, and is used in over 150 countries across the globe.

PEERS® for Adolescents is an evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated teens in middle and high school who are interested in making and keeping friends and/or handling conflict and rejection. Teens and parents attend 16 weekly group sessions for 90 minutes per week. Teens are taught social skills through didactic lessons and role play demonstrations, and practice these skills during group socialization activities. Parents attend separate sessions simultaneously and are taught how to assist their teens in making and keeping friends. Parent participation is required.

“If you want to improve the world, start by making people feel safer.”

Dr. Stephen Porges


